Electricity Prices Skyrocket

Obama Delivers on Promise to Make Electricity Prices Skyrocket

This story and video were published in CNSNews.com reporting on electricity prices released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Millions of Americans are dealing with skyrocketing electricity prices and it  looks like costs will be going even higher.

The average price for a kilowatthour (KWH) of electricity hit a March record  of 13.5 cents, according data released yesterday by the Bureau of Labor  Statistics. That was up about 5.5 percent from 12.8 cents per KWH in March  2013.

The relative price of electricity in the United States tends to rise in  spring, peak in summer, and decline in fall. Last year, after the price of a KWH  averaged 12.8 cents in March, it rose to an all-time high of 13.7 cents in June,  July, August and September.

If the prevailing trend holds, the average price of a KWH would hit a new  record this summer.

Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here: http://patriotupdate.com/2014/04/obama-delivers-promise-make-electricity-prices-skyrocket/#KoeCCEHJHzZ4xYov.99

Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here: http://patriotupdate.com/2014/04/obama-delivers-promise-make-electricity-prices-skyrocket/#KoeCCEHJHzZ4xYov.99

Each year and every month that goes by, the rates just go higher. Flat rates can be locked in for as long as five years and the sooner a company switches away from their incumbent utility, the more money will be saved both short and long term.

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About Larry

After three decades in corporate America, I decided that I wanted to work for myself. Exploring many alternatives led to the opportunity presented from energy deregulation. Being my own boss has many advantages which I enjoy. Building a residual income stream in addition to present income from giving away a free service to businesses that saves them money; I can only say that I wish I discovered this sooner.

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