As stated on our homepage, many, many companies and non-profit organizations don’t shop at all!
Since the process isn’t that difficult, this is simply throwing away money. While shopping for better energy prices is done by some businesses and non-profits, rarely can the best prices for energy be gotten by common methods.
In over 14 years which Avion Energy has been an energy broker, they’ve learned that most entities who do attempt to find better rates for their energy consumption fall into one of the following categories:
- No one at the business is shopping for electricity or natural gas
- Keep renewing their contract with the same energy supplier
- Shopping but only getting three quotes
Jim Charron, the CEO of Avion Energy states that none of these methods result in getting the best prices for gas or electricity for a variety of reasons. In his interview with Energy Business Review which just awarded Avion Energy the Top Energy Procurement Services Provider for the third time, Jim exposes the shortfalls of all these methods. He goes on to explain how it’s possible to always get the absolute best price possible on natural gas and electricity for your business or non-profit.